冰球突破手机版下载 offers a broad range of 水利工程 services with an emphasis in the areas of surface water hydrology, 排水分析与管理. The 冰球突破手机版下载 staff is committed to the responsible planning and engineering design of water resources infrastructure in 新墨西哥. 除了, 冰球突破手机版下载 also offers bidding to construction phase services for water resource projects including planning and design.
冰球突破手机版下载设计和管理包括水井在内的水利基础设施项目, 储罐, 增压泵站, 生活用水系统的输水和配水线路.
冰球突破手机版下载团队在水/废水项目方面拥有超过25年的经验. 这使我们在环境保护署(EPA)有了良好的记录。, 以及新墨西哥州环境部(NMED), 在许可和满足机构规章制度方面.
- 地表水水文
- 液压 & 水文建模
- 冲积平原调查 & 映射
- 渠务管理总体规划
- 侵蚀 & 沉积物控制计划
- 水 & 废水处理设施
- 灌溉结构 & 通道的改进
- 水权 & 污水排放
- 允许应用程序 & 文档
冰球突破手机版下载团队在水/废水项目方面拥有超过25年的经验. 这使我们在环境保护署(EPA)有了良好的记录。, 以及新墨西哥州环境部(NMED), 在许可和满足机构规章制度方面.我们团队在污水处理领域的经验包括设施总体规划, 设施设计, 建筑的观察, 建设行政, 环境评估, 操作员培训, 我/我分析, 用户率研究, 启动服务, 操作手册, 工业预处理方案, 设备性能故障排除, 项目性能, 过程仪表, 过程控制. 冰球突破手机版下载在水资源工程领域的经验包括排水, 排污系统设计, 水系统设计, 社区总体规划. Our water/wastewater team has designed and administered the construction of over 100 million dollars in water/wastewater infrastructure. Listed below are a few projects that highlight our project team’s specialized design and technical competence in the water resources field:
中央惩教设施用水 & 污水渠主要升级工程
冰球突破豪华版手机下载这个1.1 Million Dollar project was designed within 3-4 weeks due to funding deadlines and water quality issues associated with the existing water wells on the site. 冰球突破手机版下载设计超过10个,000英尺的总水管和超过2,000英尺的下水道总管和所有相关设备,包括防回流阀,米, 热箱, 阀门,人孔, 等. The project also included the design of a micro-screening 设施设计ed to pre-treat the wastewater prior to release to the Village of Los Lunas sewer system. 该项目还包括在现有的水箱上设计和建造一个高度控制阀. 该项目还包括设计庭院管道,以利用现场现有的水箱. 需要与洛斯卢纳斯村进行大量协调, 新墨西哥修正, 以及新墨西哥财产控制部门.
This project included the planning and design of a new 8-inch water loop for the Cuba Public Schools to improve fire flow and pressure for the High School, 中学, 和古巴公立学校校园内的小学建筑. The new water loop was designed to improve both domestic service and fire flow to these facilities by looping the water line around the campus and connecting to a new 8-inch line from the Village of Cuba water storage tank. 该项目包括与古巴村的广泛协调, 州消防局长办公室, 古巴公立学校和学校建筑师. 除了8英寸的水圈, 该项目还包括在整个系统中安装新的消火栓和阀门.
Tierra Amarilla高中 & 小学供水系统改善
This project included the planning and design of over 2600 feet of 6-inch water main from the municipal system to anew 75,000加仑的储油罐位于高中. 储罐的大小满足两个设施的生活和消防需求. Both facilities also included the design of a booster pumps station capable of providing both domestic and fire flow demand to the two structures. 冰球突破手机版下载 also designed over 2600 linear feet of 8-inch waterline to connect the new water tank to the elementary school booster pumps station. 该项目包括与州消防局长办公室的广泛协调, 学区, 和学校的建筑师.
冰球突破手机版下载 conducted a comprehensive PER for an affordable Housing Development within the Chilili Land Grant community .研究的范围包括开发几个可选择的分区布局, 对现有水系统的评价, 道路基础设施评价, 以及对排水基础设施的评估. 冰球突破手机版下载 also conducted an evaluation of liquid waste collection alternatives for the project including septic tanks, 中央集, 包装废水处理, 还有废水蒸发泻湖.
圣斯托尼营. 新墨西哥州圣达菲县的查德圣公会教堂
冰球突破手机版下载 conducted a preliminary study of several waste water treatment alternatives for the Camp Stoney facility located in Santa Fe County. The NMED issued a compliance order for the removal and replacement of the septic tanks due to positive tests for nitrates in their monitoring wells. The study included an evaluation of several wastewater treatment alternatives including white water evaporative lagoons, 低压分散场, 包装处理设施. The project also included evaluation of pumping stations and 中央集 of the waste water from the two existing septic tank locations. This effort included extensive coordination and meetings with the NMED Ground 水 Drinking Bureau regarding the evaluation of the alternatives considered.
这个项目是美国再投资计划的一部分 & 恢复法案(ARRA)联邦资助项目. This project included a comprehensive study and design of a waste water collection and treatment facility for the Northern 新墨西哥 Wood Business Park (NNMWBP) located in Las Vegas, 新墨西哥.这350000美元.00项目包括重力式污水收集系统的设计, 污水提升站, 力电源, 以及一系列的废水蒸发泻湖. 该项目还包括就该设施的设计与NMED密切协调, 排放许可, 并在工程上安装了地下水监测井.
Mr. Miller planned and designed over 2 miles of 10-inch and 12-inch gravity sewer line extension west from the City’s existing sewer system. The project included boring and casing three sewer lines under Old Route 66 to provide service to both sides of the highway. 就地役权取得事宜,与新界地政总署进行实质协调,和许可, 为了在NMSHTD内建造污水管道,需要有通行权. The project also included evaluating the potential flow from the new service area and the potential impacts to the City’s existing sewer interceptors and the wastewater treatment facility.
冰球突破手机版下载完成了中央污水收集系统的设计, 污水抽水站, 1500英尺的强制总管, 一个大型废水蒸发泻湖, 并安装监测井. 这项工作包括在系统设计方面与国家卫生组织进行协调, 系统审批, 并遵守他们的排放许可证.
该项目包括在Window Rock地区开发两个教师住房社区. 每个地点都制定了冰球突破手机版下载设施、供水设施和分级/排水计划. Each site required road design and coordination with the Navajo Tribal Utility Authority for sanitary sewer utilities and water utilities. 其中一个地点还包括一个卫生污水提升站的设计.
Window Rock中学改进- Fort Defiance, AZ
This project included the design of improvements to the existing middle school campus including new building additions, 停车区域, 公共汽车环形车道, 评分/排水,以及相关的公用设施(下水道/水)改进.作为效用改进的一部分, 该项目包括设计一种新的220,000加仑储水箱及抽水站,以供应生活用水及灭火用水. Approximately 3000 LF of water piping was designed to accommodate the domestic and fire flow requirements for the facility, 包括所有附属设施,如消防栓, 柱状指示阀, 闸阀, 等.
科奇蒂湖下水道系统研究 & 概念设计,科奇蒂湖,新墨西哥州
冰球突破手机版下载进行了大约5年的研究阶段和概念设计.5英里的冰球突破手机版下载重力主要位于科奇蒂湖村,新墨西哥州. The project induced comprehensive camera work on all sewer main and evaluation of the camera footage to determine the condition of all segments of sewer main within the project limits. The study phase of the project included the evaluation of several construction alternatives to address the deficient segments of sewer main including both open trench and trench-less technologies such as slip-lining & 国内. 冰球突破手机版下载编制了概念设计图纸,其中包括明渠组合,爆管及人孔修复. The conceptual design served as the basis for the development of an engineer’s opinion of probable construction cost, 哪一个项目将被用来为项目的建设寻求资金.
圣斯托尼营. 新墨西哥州圣达菲县的查德圣公会教堂
冰球突破手机版下载 conducted a preliminary study of several waste water treatment alternatives for the camp Stoney facility located in Santa Fe County. The NMED issued a compliance order for the removal and replacement of the septic tanks due to positive test for nitrates in their monitoring wells. 该研究包括对包括泻湖系统在内的几种废水处理方案的评估, 低压分散场, 包装处理设施. The project also included evaluation of pumping stations and 中央集 of the waste water from the two existing septic tank locations. This effort included extensive coordination and meetings with the NMED Ground 水 Drinking Bureau regarding the evaluation of the alternatives considered